Employment Opportunities

  • St. Michael Lutheran Church located in Canton, MI, is seeking an experienced pastor to lead our church into the future. We are in a diverse suburban community located between Detroit and Ann Arbor. We are a church passionate about the Holy Scripture and connecting people to the living God.

  • St. Michael is looking for a part time office assistant/communications coordinator. The purpose of the office assistant/communications coordinator is to lead and oversee internal and external communications and assist the office manager with other administrative duties. This includes social media, newsletters, announcement slides & bulletins, the website and more. 

  • St. Michael Lutheran Church of Canton, MI is seeking a full time Worship & Discipleship Minister/Pastor. We are looking for an enthusiastic, musically gifted leader to lead our music ministry. Additionally, the person in this position would oversee ministries and initiatives to aid in the spiritual growth and spiritual formation of the adults in the congregation and help to create a model for discipleship in our context.

  • St. Michael Lutheran Church of Canton, MI is seeking a full time Director of Children’s Ministry (birth-5th grade). We are looking for an enthusiastic, energetic leader to rebuild our children’s ministry. We seek someone who loves children, values parents and is passionate about empowering people to serve children and their families. This individual would work closely with our Youth and Family minister as a part of a comprehensive family ministry.

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