New to St. Michael?

We would love to have you join us this weekend!

At St. Michael, we offer a relaxed atmosphere that allows you to connect to the living God to grow your relationship with Him.  We look forward to your visit! Looking for something special?

 CHECK OUT the ministries that WE HAVE TO OFFER RIGHT HERE. 

some things you might want to know ...

Is it formal or informal?

We offer a variety of worship styles for you to choose fromOur Saturday night service from 5:30 – 6:30 pm is a casual traditional worship service. On Sunday morning we offer a liturgical worship service at 9:00, Sunday School for pre-school through adult from 10:00 to 10:50, and a true contemporary worship service with worship band at 11:00 am.

Do you have a nursery for my children?

Yes, we have a staff of paid and volunteer people caring for the children in the Nursery Program. Nurseries are provided for the comfort of your children from newborn to age four during the 9:00am and 11:00am worship services. When you check your children in the nursery, you will receive a pager just in case your child needs you during service. If you don't think your child will be comfortable in the nursery, please bring them to worship with you. Children are always welcome!

Can I bring my special needs child to church?

Yes, we have a safe and comfortable Peace Room for special needs children. This room allows the children to spend time relaxing and spending time with God. The room is available on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. Please contact our church office if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to work with God's special children.

Do I dress up or can I wear shorts and sandals?

Come as you are. We want you to have a comfortable experience here are St. Michael. We don't want a clothing choice to hinder you building a relationship with God.

Will I be able to be anonymous or will you make me stand up in front of a bunch of people?

No, you will not be asked to stand or identify yourself as a visitor. You have the freedom to check things out. If you would like us to contact you, we invite you to fill out the visitor card located in front of your seat and place it in an offering plate. You can also stop by the Welcome Center in the lobby for more information.

What are the people like there?

The people here at St. Michael are friendly and open towards all. We are one big church family who welcomes all. If you need support while going through tough times in life or celebrating a joyful event, the people at St. Michael are here for you. That's what family is for!

Are there people who are like me?

St. Michael has members from all walks of life. Single, young couples, older couples, and an abundance of children make St. Michael a church with varied experiences. Together, we help each other develop a stronger relationship with Jesus.

Do I need to bring a Bible?

The Bible verses and songs are projected on large screens during worship services. If you have your own Bible and would like to use it, please bring it. If you would like a Bible, one is available for you.

What is the music like?

The music varies with the type of service. You will hear traditional hymns and contemporary songs that are all geared towards praising God.

If I come to visit will I be able to take Holy Communion?

All who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior are welcome to take Holy Communion regardless of denominational background.  The inner circle of each tray is grape juice. Gluten-free wafers are available by request to the pastor or serving elder.

If I visit your church will I be required to donate money?

We do not ask our visitors to participate when we collect the offering. If you feel led to give an offering, that is between you and God. We believe all offerings made should be led by God, and not by guilt.

Is the church a big or small church?

We think you’ll find it to be just right.